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Can vinyl trim get damaged during the dry cleaning process?

Nowadays, vinyl clothing is in vogue. Vinyl material gives a perfect shiny look of leather for less price. Sometimes clothes manufacturers use vinyl trim to decorate the garments. It is important to take proper care of vinyl clothes or cloths having vinyl trim on them.

Vinyl is a “plastic” material. If the care label says dry clean only, this can be a challenge. Why is that? The dry cleaning could potentially damage the vinyl. If we treat these clothes with the normal dry-cleaning process, the vinyl can peel, bubble, and get damaged. The top layer (vinyl) will be removed and you will be left with a damaged garment.

The best way to clean these clothes from outside is to wipe them with a damp sponge. The inside of the garment can be clean with freshening products.

Vinyl clothes can also be hand washed with lukewarm water and some liquid detergent. We should avoid using washing powder for vinyl clothes because the flakes can remain on the clothes after washing which can stick to the surface of clothes.

Never iron vinyl clothes because they are made up of heat-sensitive plastic, which can easily melt under the iron and high temperature.

The manufacturer is responsible for buying fabrics that are fit for purpose and correctly labelled. The manufacturer should always test the fabric that is used on garments. As a dry cleaner, we always follow the care label.

In case vinyl trim on your garment gets damaged, our specialist tailor can replace it with another fabric of your choice. If your whole garment is made of vinyl fabric and gets damaged, it would not be possible to repair it.

We Farthings Cambridge and Trumpington, are well known dry cleaners in Cambridge and are here to help if you need any advice regarding your clothing.


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